If a Death Has Occured

If a Death Has Occured

When someone dies it comes as a great shock. Some times the death may be expected, but nothing prepares you for the emotional shock of losing someone close. Below you will find some answers on what to do when a death occurs.

At home, deceased was under hospice care

Call hospice immediately following a death. A hospice nurse will come to your home to make a pronouncement. After they have arrived, they will call us to make the transfer of human remains.

At home, deceased was not receiving hospice care

Call 911. They will come to investigate the scene. Upon determining that the Medical Examiner’s office need not become involved, the police or paramedics will call us or allow you to call us to come make the transfer.

In a hospital

Please call us immediately after a death. Though we may not be able to come take custody of human remains until after a doctor has signed a death certificate (which is usually the next business day but could also be the duration of a weekend plus any holidays) we do want to be notified ASAP.

In a nursing home or assisted living facility

Call us and we will come to make the transfer immediately. If you are waiting for a family member to arrive, please let us know and we will arrive when you are ready.

If in any case you are not sure of who to notify or what to do, please call us at (866) 202-5935.

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